B&B Rentmeester in Amstelveen

NederlandB&B Rentmeester


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🕗 openingstijden

55, Rentmeesterslaan, 1181 DP, Amstelveen, Amstelveen, NL Holland
contacten telefoon: +31 20 647 0907
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 52.3176548, Longitude: 4.8616005

opmerkingen 5

  • Charles Sumah

    Charles Sumah


    Gezellige acco en ahw een knus tuinhuisje

  • en

    Cloé M


    The place is owne by a lovely couple. Every morning they put fruits and snacks on the table for you. They even wash my clothes and bring us back to the airport for 10€ wich is very nice of them. You have everything you need in the room. The only thing I dind't like was the matress were to soft for my taste.

  • stephanie Lan

    stephanie Lan


    Really nice owners, they check us in when our flight was delaid and they have been really nice and welcoming. I would like to come back to this guest house when I'll come back in Amsterdam. You have all the furniture necessary, fridge, microwave, shower and toilet and even A/C. Plus, the owners gave us fruits everyday and a few snacks.

  • cisco peeters

    cisco peeters


    Love it

  • juel



    Helemaal mooo

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