B&B 276 in Delft

NederlandB&B 276



🕗 openingstijden

274, Zuiderstraat, 2611 SL, Delft, Delft, NL Países Bajos
contacten telefoon: +31 6 47965512
website: www.bedandbreakfast276delft.nl
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 52.0102727, Longitude: 4.3663988

opmerkingen 5

  • Andre Jansen

    Andre Jansen


    Lekker eruit tegen schappelijke prijs

  • Luna Andrea

    Luna Andrea


  • martin boulogne

    martin boulogne


  • en

    Monique Miller


    First time in the Netherlands, and home was Delft for the weekend! This bed and breakfast was the perfect accommodation. Delft is a great little city with lots of character! Spend the day strolling around, wandering into cafes (Bar Sil is particularly pleasant) , visiting the market (on the weekend), taking in the great architecture, and being enchanted by the many canals all around! The bed and breakfast is very accessible. A five minute walk from downtown Delft, a two minute walk from the grocery store, and other shops that form a little plaza. The weekend was quiet and relaxing, the amenities were great, and the owners were lovely! I would recommend this great spot to friends, family and strangers alike!

  • Anuja Oak-Mathur

    Anuja Oak-Mathur


    What a great first taste of the Netherlands. Everything from the chic decor to the friendly service was first class. And free wifi! The B&B is conveniently located, just a 10 minute walk away from the train station. Delft is a charming little city- for anyone visiting, I would recommend staying in this B&B and taking the train to Amsterdam, Rotterdam, the Hague, etc. We had a great time site-seeing, but it was even better coming home to 276 at the end of the day. Wish I could have stayed longer! The beds were very comfortable, the room, kitchenette, and bathroom were pristine, and the owners were even more charming that Delft itself. Perfect weekend getaway!

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