Badhotel Domburg in Domburg

NederlandBadhotel Domburg


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🕗 openingstijden

1A, Domburgseweg, 4357 BA, Domburg, Veere, NL Netherlands
contacten telefoon: +31 118 588 888
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 51.5650163, Longitude: 3.4993423

opmerkingen 5

  • en

    Charles-Henry Her


    Excellent food and spa facilities

  • en

    katarzyna zebik


    Best hotel in domburg ! Tho pretty expensive but everything is great rooms, breakfasts , dinner and bar area ! Very close to beach and have really nice SPA

  • en

    David Zeyen


    Rooms are really nice. Location is great. Breakfast buffet is good. We had the arrangement with 7 nights and 4 evening meals included. Evening meals are nice but not exceptional and portion sizes are tiny. Each time we were left hungry after a 3 course meal. The surplus for the arrangement is not really worth it. We won't book the arrangement again but will return for another stay.

  • Otti Meier-Müller-Schulz

    Otti Meier-Müller-Schulz


    Good modern Hotel, nice rooms, comfortable beds, good breakfast, very near to the beach

  • Keith Parlee

    Keith Parlee


    Hotel is clean, quiet, comfy. Unbeatable location. No internet, wireless or Ethernet. Double bed is two beds together with 2x single sheets. Grand Cafe was disappointing in price/portion but the food was delicious. Very good breakfast buffet. Pool was maybe a bit warm (opinion) but the kids loved it.

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