AVIA Lonnekermeer Rijksweg A1 in Deurningen

NederlandAVIA Lonnekermeer Rijksweg A1



🕗 openingstijden

1, Rijksweg A1, 7561 VA, Deurningen, Dinkelland, NL Netherlands
contacten telefoon: +31 74 277 7447
website: www.google.com
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 52.280955, Longitude: 6.850969

opmerkingen 5

  • Wietse van Aerde

    Wietse van Aerde


    Expensive, where average price is 1.5 and cheap 1.4, this one asks 1.6. They have a central food island, where you can order coffe or sandwiches. But not enough staff. So while the person is working on pouring coffee or making a sandwich, you can't pay for your gas. Needs more staff.

  • Casper Jimenez

    Casper Jimenez


    Very nice farm like style shop if somewhat expensive, also it is €0,70 to use the bathroom and you receive a coupon for €0 50.

  • Paul Norman

    Paul Norman


    Good clean place.

  • Keren Hirsch

    Keren Hirsch


    Nice place to stop for coffee or something to eat. Very nice ambience, clean, tasty & friendly Gas is extensive though so if you don't need to fuel just stop for coffee

  • Jos Van Biesen

    Jos Van Biesen


    Very nice gas station. Good breakfast. Nice people. Excellent place to take a break.

Benzinestation in de buurt

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