Apotheek De Castro Medicijnman in Amsterdam

NederlandApotheek De Castro Medicijnman



🕗 openingstijden

19, Roetersstraat, 1018 WB, Amsterdam, Amsterdam, NL Netherlands
contacten telefoon: +31 20 624 1363
website: www.medicijnman.amsterdam
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 52.3624014, Longitude: 4.9112653

opmerkingen 5

  • Nicolas Cabane

    Nicolas Cabane


    Excellent service! They took all the time to find out with my doctor about the prescription and called me with further information. They really take care of you and super professional. I went there several times and they always have an answer for your needs.

  • Daan



    This is a bad pharmacy. 1. They moved to a new location and the shop looks already messy 2. Your medicine have to be ordered almost every time 3. You always have to wait as there is only 1 out of several clerks helping customers 4. In case they received the recipe from your doctor, you are only allowed to pick it up the next day 5. They have a fancy machine outside to pick up medicines when they are closed, the codes they send via SMS are not working or they simply forget putting the item in Better to pick a new pharmacy

  • Мария К

    Мария К


    Why I have to pay bills for 'Terhandstelling eerste uitgifte met begeleidingsgesprek' and I've never asked for this service? Why employees are sending this fake information to the insurance? Check your bills!

  • Andrew



    Horrible, look at the pharmacy's google rating 2.6 out of 5(50%).... why waste your money there. Just go to Vijzelgracht 19, 1017 HM Amsterdam, they are really really amazing.

  • Chenlin Tang

    Chenlin Tang


    Really bad experience. Went there and filled in the registration form. Came back later and I can’t believe that they lost the registration form, together with the doctor’s subscription. That was outrageous! Would never go back again. That was very irresponsible attitudes dealing with clients’ private information.

Apotheek in de buurt

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