Amsterdamse Vereniging De Zondagsschilders in Amsterdam

NederlandAmsterdamse Vereniging De Zondagsschilders



🕗 openingstijden

206, Rozenstraat, 1016 PA, Amsterdam, Amsterdam, NL Netherlands
contacten telefoon: +31 20 624 3933
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 52.3719232, Longitude: 4.8774844

opmerkingen 5

  • Peter Dammers

    Peter Dammers


    I particularly enjoy the laid back social environment

  • Johan Jonk

    Johan Jonk


    Fun creative lessons at everyone's level! In the center of Amsterdam within walking distance of the Central Station. Sculpting, drawing and painting, spatial and graphic work and watercolor painting and everything on an affordable basis!

  • Marloes Hakkers

    Marloes Hakkers


    Had a great time. Very nice groups where you can also be very free but good guidance is available when necessary. Unfortunately due to emigration it is no longer possible to paint there otherwise I would definitely return.

  • Evelien Feenstra

    Evelien Feenstra


    The lesson was fun, but the administration is drama. Always ask for proof of payment, even for small amounts that you pay cash in class. At the start it was claimed that I would not have paid. Fortunately, that was cleared up quickly. Now 1.5 years later !! they claim again that I would not have paid for the paper card. (What you have to pay for in class 5, - otherwise the teacher will not hand it over to you) Very sloppy and bad. Of course I don't pay for a second time now either. In any case, very unfortunate that you have to buy a card of 5 for 2 x paper packs at 10 cents per sheet. Gone money

  • ria klop

    ria klop


    Is great to be with the Sunday painters

Universiteit in de buurt

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