Amsterdam B&B Barangay in Amsterdam

NederlandAmsterdam B&B Barangay



🕗 openingstijden

26, Herenstraat, 1015 CB, Amsterdam, Amsterdam, NL Netherlands
contacten telefoon: +31 6 25045432
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 52.3773076, Longitude: 4.888684

opmerkingen 5

  • Shan Courtat

    Shan Courtat


    Stayed for 3 nights and it was one of the best trip I've ever had thanks to our hosts, were very warm but also professional at the same time. Made us feel super comfortable, rooms have beautiful furniture and decorations. Breakfasts are tasty, varied and always served on time. The place and neighborhood are overall really cozy, close to train station (max. 15min) and the center ; also very close to the tram so you can visit other places like the Museumplein very easily.

  • thiago nouer

    thiago nouer


    I actually stayed here a year ago and forgot to write a review when I left and generally I don’t write reviews at all, but I remember this place exactly, professional host with the best guiding tips, made us feel very welcome and cooks the most delicious well served breakfast , hands down this BnB will offer the best hospitality you can imagine, the rooms are all beautifully theme designed with privet bathrooms, lovely kitchen with sitting area and background music. I would definitely recommend staying here just for the experience

  • Elyse Lane

    Elyse Lane


    Fantastic ! Best BnB in Amsterdam ! Very Clean, Quite, comfortable room, pretty sitting room, OUT OF THIS WORLD BREAKFASTS brought right into your room! Host Wimmo is a class A Proprietor, helpful charming and fun !. Great Italian restaurant next door, Gusto, best I have had , better than Italy !

  • Jamie Kreiman

    Jamie Kreiman


    Every need anticipated. Kind, warm owners. Peaceful and beautiful rooms, exquisite bathroom. This is a place to rest before your next walk. You cannot have a better experience than staying in this unique place. Simple walk from train. Wimmo, thank you, once again for your care.

  • Ben Howe

    Ben Howe


    Been to Amsterdam many times. This was one of the best non-hotel places I have stayed. Nice room, great breakfast, clean and great location.

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