Amazing Oriental Maastricht in Maastricht

NederlandAmazing Oriental Maastricht



🕗 openingstijden

38, Laag Gubbelstraat, 6211 CG, Maastricht, Maastricht, NL Netherlands
contacten telefoon: +31 43 321 0738
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 50.8521182, Longitude: 5.6931228

opmerkingen 5

  • en

    J H


    Great store! Very clear and overall good. The only thing that worried me is that the ice they use to cool their beverages in the food corner comes straight out of the freezer! Worried about the hygiene of that.

  • en

    Mak Han Ren


    Amazing Asian mart with plethora of goods ranging from sauces, bottled drinks to pre-mix allowing you to cook a variety of dishes

  • Steven Smalley

    Steven Smalley


    The best place around to get what you'd expect of an Asian food store. Also, the bubble tea is fantastic and can be made vegan if you ask for coconut milk instead of cow milk which the nice ladies will gladly make. Tons of frozen vegan options, ice creams, fruits, vegan mushroom jerky and snacks.

  • Ian S

    Ian S


    Good selection of varying Asian countries, priced quite cheaply especially for imports and they have many deals. At the entrance they also sell hot food and bubble tea

  • en

    Jelle Richerzhagen


    Nice Chinese restaurant that also serves sushi fresh made when you order. Food was good but not amazing compared to eating sushi in Hong Kong.

Supermarkt in de buurt

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