Amadeus in Haarlem



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🕗 openingstijden

10, Grote Markt, 2011 RD, Haarlem, Haarlem, NL Netherlands
contacten telefoon: +31 23 532 4530
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 52.38118, Longitude: 4.6353314

opmerkingen 5

  • Анастасия Иванова

    Анастасия Иванова


    Great location, right in the city center, which is amazing. At the same time the room that I got was so small that I felt uncomfortable during night. But the price was nice and tasty breakfast was included. Small issue, that they do not have luggage room, so you should have it with you all the time before leaving or keep it right in the restaurant, I think that without any control (at least something).

  • Andrew Jones

    Andrew Jones


    Great stay excellent service

  • en

    Stuart Moir


    Very rude staff. Was not informed of check out time then hounded out of hotel at 11am. Would not recommend. Stay else where.

  • Claudia Minott

    Claudia Minott


    It's a Buget type hotel décor a little tired but clean. Room is small but I was comfortable enough. Nice eat as much as you like continental breakfast.

  • en

    Freek Lankhof


    Great low budget hotel. Simple and clean rooms, breakfast included. Very friendly staff. Good place for the frugal traveler.

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