Alley Cat Bikes & Coffee in Maastricht

NederlandAlley Cat Bikes & Coffee



🕗 openingstijden

15-17, Hoenderstraat, 6211 EL, Maastricht, Maastricht, NL Países Bajos
contacten telefoon: +31
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 50.8510414, Longitude: 5.6927021

opmerkingen 5

  • en

    Jessica A


    Alley Cat is one of my favourite coffee places in Maastricht. The coffee is great, as are the sweets. I would recommend the "carrot & cream" pictured here. The staff are also very nice. The place is quite busy a lot of the time so it's sometimes hard to get a seat. The place is good for people with small children, as there's space for a baby carriage and a few small bikes they can play with. Oh, and this is also a shop where you can buy cycling supplies and have your bike repaired. Last, Alley Cat is perfectly located by the market square in the city centre.

  • Katerina Fillmore

    Katerina Fillmore


    Great coffee and great bike service! :) Can only recommend!

  • Ludovic Riga

    Ludovic Riga


    Love this place! The stuff is very friendly. Cosy atmosphere.

  • jonas leupe

    jonas leupe


    Another 'must-go-to' when in Maastricht is this place. Located in the city center, you can grab yourself a great cup of coffee and find some inspiration for your future home ('cause it's decorated so nicely 😱) or bike. If we didn't have a lot much other things on the list of places we had to visit yet, would definitely spend some more time over here!

  • Guilherme Marinho

    Guilherme Marinho


    Indeed an excellent coffee. Definitely a place for bikers. I would say that 80% of the visitors were people stopping by after a bike track, which creates an interesting atmosphere. There’s also bikes and related accessories for sale. The staff is kind and helpful bit it took around 15 minutes to get a latte macchiato and a cappuccino + two croissants + a muffin. I would definitely come back! =)

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