Alice in Cakeland in Rotterdam

NederlandAlice in Cakeland



🕗 openingstijden

124A, Van Oldenbarneveltstraat, 3012 GW, Rotterdam, Rotterdam, NL Holland
contacten telefoon: +31 6 15865515
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 51.9190252, Longitude: 4.474313

opmerkingen 5

  • Lauren Anne Sim

    Lauren Anne Sim


    Easily the best cake in all of Rotterdam. For months I've been trying different cafes and cake shops all across Rotterdam in a pursuit to find a truly delicious cake. And without a doubt Alice in Cakeland blows every other cake I've had out of the water. A cute shop, a fun place to take friends and a perfect cupcake. I personally recommend the red velvet but really, you can't go wrong! 10/10 A++

  • nl

    mido mo


    Heel leuk plek, erg zoete cupcakes. Had eigenlijk wel betere vulling verwacht, Zoals vers stukje fruit of dergelijke.

  • en

    Matt Seears


    Amazing cupcakes of wide variety, I chose the Oreo one with an Oreo baked into the base. Highly recommended

  • nl

    Leonie H


    Heerlijke cupcakes, aardig personeel. Het zou nog iets fijner zijn als er geen roerstaafje maar een theelepel bij de koffie en thee zou zitten

  • Toryanni E

    Toryanni E


    Omg, so yummy!! Went for an all you can eat event found on Facebook, it was fantastic. Service is great, love that they also serve coffee and tea! Decorations are cute, service was awesome, very friendly!

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