al Dente in Eindhoven

Nederlandal Dente



🕗 openingstijden

P.C. Hooftlaan 2, 5611 NV Eindhoven, Niederlande
contacten telefoon: +31 40 253 3683
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 51.4337804, Longitude: 5.4815003

opmerkingen 5

  • Sanne Sophie

    Sanne Sophie


    Na lang bang te zijn geweest van de tandarts, en dan ook bij verschillende praktijken te zijn geweest, is dit de eerste tandarts waar mijn angst afneemt! Ze zijn ontzettend patiëntgericht en behulpzaam.

  • ko



    1살짜리 아기가 나무에 부딪혀서 이가 흔들려서 급히 예약하고 기다렸는데 그날 오후에 바로 방문 가능했고 친정하게 진료해 주었다

  • Joana Pacheco

    Joana Pacheco


    I had a problem with a tooth that was apparently fine, but kept hurting. It hurt for over a year, I went to 3 different dentists and all said I just have sensitive teeth and there's nothing they can do about it. I was eating with a lot of care and in pain every time I drank something cold or hot. I asked Dr Irena Perakova to have a look at it and she rebuilt part of my tooth, now I'm absolutely pain free! Couldn't be happier! I see some people saying it's expensive, but I don't mind paying a bit more for great service. On the long run, you already made up for the difference!

  • Pradyumna Majumder

    Pradyumna Majumder


    Great experience and wonderful service. Highly recommended to anyone suffering from teeth problems. I got my root canal surgery here.

  • Marco Caputano

    Marco Caputano


    I had a very bad experience with them. the dentist proposed an extensive intervention to remove a deep caries that according to him was necessary and urgent (and rather expensive). Other 2 dentists from different clinics told me my teeth were healthy and advised me to not undertake any intervention. After two years my teeth are fine and healthy without doing any intervention. furthermore at the first visit they charged me an expensive service that they never provided to me. furthermore they charged 45 minutes of dental hygiene while it took less than 30 minutes. I complained but they didn't want to give reasons. I still have the entire email conversation with "al dente". I am sure about the practice.

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