AH Overtoom in Amsterdam

NederlandAH Overtoom



🕗 openingstijden

116 H, Overtoom, 1054 HM, Amsterdam, Amsterdam, NL Netherlands
contacten telefoon: +31 20 612 0333
website: www.ah.nl
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 52.3627906, Longitude: 4.8745395

opmerkingen 5

  • Pollyanne Polly

    Pollyanne Polly


    Small, but clean, organized.

  • Arwin Bosman

    Arwin Bosman


    It's an okay AH, but the arrangement of their ailes is terrible

  • Gary Hymes

    Gary Hymes


    I used to shop at this AH when I was a tourist staying at the Marriott. This is a big store and very busy. Good for them they have more than one human checkout lane. I remember when I didn't have an iDeal card or local bankcard and had to wait in line to pay with cash. There are still lines at the cash checkout lines (not safe these days) but at least they have humans. A big star for having the Big Tom's Bloody Mary Mix though! Almost two stars. I couldn't find that at any of the other AH stores!

  • Raymond A. Derks

    Raymond A. Derks


    The entrance is too narrow. In/out is a mess. The bikes outside are like a war zone. No credit cards accepted. A spacious store w/ a decent selection.

  • Máté Szilassi

    Máté Szilassi



Supermarkt in de buurt

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