Adult club Sameplace in Amsterdam

NederlandAdult club Sameplace


geen informatie

🕗 openingstijden

120, Nassaukade, 1052 EC, Amsterdam, Amsterdam, NL Netherlands
contacten telefoon: +31 20 475 1981
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 52.3740454, Longitude: 4.8747379

opmerkingen 5

  • Kys Kyslau

    Kys Kyslau


    Very dirty place I run away.

  • KandA Scotland

    KandA Scotland


    We visited here in November , our first time in a club like this , couple drinks later we go down stairs and started the show in the private room while being watched , good night , good thrill for both us 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿

  • Raven Jackson

    Raven Jackson


    Perfect Swingers Club! This place is AMAZING and about a 18-20 walk from Dam Square. The reviews made me nervous but what was there to lose by checking it out for myself? Couples were welcomed with a cover charge of 10 euro and we had to spend a minimum of 20 euro at the bar (total). The place is super clean, hand sanitizers everywhere, 2 story club, intimate dance floor, beds with privacy curtains or caged beds for viewing, stripper poles, sex swing, dungeon and more. The guy at the door and the female bartender were both amazing. At first we came around 9pm on a Saturday night which was too early. The door guard was super nice and offered a tour of the club first and recommended that we come back at 10pm. Once we came back, the bar was packed! Me and my mate are in our mid-late 20s. There were 2-3 other couples our age and good looking. The oldest guy was probably 56ish but he had a young girlfriend and wasnt creepy. There was easily 30 plus people in the club during my time there. People tend to socialize a bit first and if they see you in action they will ask permission to touch you before doing so or watch from a safe distance. Condoms were also handed out regularly. Door guard checks coats and explain rules. biggest rule was NO phones and if there is a problem then we should report to him immediately so he can handle it.

  • D Dorsoduro

    D Dorsoduro


    It’s hit and miss in terms of crowd. I’ve had nice experiences and zero experiences. Depends on the crowd. Bar is nothing fancy. Down to earth.

  • amor powers

    amor powers


    always feel welcome in this club. one of my favourite place to hang out when in amsterdam. good place to chill... have fun... drinks... friendly atmosphere and great staff😜

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