Action in Groningen




🕗 openingstijden

129, Hoornsediep, 9727 GH, Groningen, Groningen, NL Países Bajos
contacten telefoon: +31 228 565 656
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 53.2055427, Longitude: 6.56203

opmerkingen 5

  • Martin aime schepers

    Martin aime schepers


    Has everything you could need, be it electronics, food or beauty products. Thought the price is really cheap most of thr things are still pretty good quality. Though I do suggest being a little careful for there are lots of not to good quality products.




    Action is the best multi-purpose store you can possibly find. Exceedingly cheap and covers everything from kitchenware to stationary. Now, keep in mind that these aren't going to be your top notch products. They can be fragile and some goods aren't worth it. I would definitely recommend buying stationary, kitchenware, detergents and handy tools from here. They are of really good quality. However, the eatables and beauty products aren't. So, I would recommend skipping those goods. It is very well arranged and some of the electronics are really good too. But with respect to the electronics, be careful while buying. They do have mainstream companies such as Trust and sometimes Philips so I would certainly recommend those. Overall, it is an amazing store.

  • Lisa de kok

    Lisa de kok


    De action is een leuke winkel waar je veel leuke dingen voor een kleine prijs kan halen. De kwaliteit is misschien niet altijd de beste, maar voor de prijs is het prima. Ze hebben ook een erg breed aanbod, van kook tot fietsspullen en van snoep en speelgoed tot koptelefoons en telefoonhoesjes.

  • Martijn Hofstra

    Martijn Hofstra


    Prima overzichtelijk en goedkoop. Verder niet tot geen medewerkers aanwezig in de winkel overdag. Alleen kassa.

  • Gerben Feikens

    Gerben Feikens


    Prima winkel, ruim goedkoop assortiment met veel prullaria. Verwacht geen high-end producten hier

Winkel in de buurt

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