ABN Amro w Amsterdam

HolandiaABN Amro



🕗 godziny otwarcia

2a, Kleine-Gartmanplantsoen, 1017 RR, Amsterdam, Amsterdam, NL Netherlands
kontakt telefon: +31
strona internetowej: abnamro.nl
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 52.3635801, Longitude: 4.8826357

komentarze 5

  • Nims Doyle

    Nims Doyle


    Staff were super helpful and polite. Went through everything with us in detail and carried out all our wishes.

  • Chad Hogan

    Chad Hogan


    If I could give zero stars I would. Left waiting for hours without acknowledgement past the door.. Security guard is cheerful. Other than this you are left in the waiting area of boredom and demise while the unorganised and inattentive staff wander round with soulless glares and hopeless looks on their faces until they decide to deal with you. Ignored in a hot masked sheep's pen whilst every appointment is taken late although the customers arrive early.. Its no wonder why they are always running behind as they take so long to deal with the simplest of issues if you are lucky enough for them to want to help you. Place is a disaster! I will not be back. Good luck and good day sir

  • LSJ g

    LSJ g


    Extremely annoying that they removed the atm machines outside and not also allow limited people inside. Costing customers a lot of extra valuable time. Not consumer friendly

  • Johannes Remmelkoor

    Johannes Remmelkoor


    Great customer service, even brought me coffee and offered the same for others who were waiting at the same time. Do advise to come early in the morning, when they open up, as then they are not in such a hurry.

  • 宋 Song晓霁 Xiaoji

    宋 Song晓霁 Xiaoji


    Absolutely the worst. It takes 20 mins to 2 hours for one case, we waited for one whole hour and counting on Monday. (Still waiting here) everything needs to be done inside with low efficiency. Absolutely Horrible.

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