ABN AMRO in Rotterdam

NederlandABN AMRO



🕗 openingstijden

93, Coolsingel, 3012 AE, Rotterdam, Rotterdam, NL Holland
contacten telefoon: +31 900 0024
website: www.abnamro.nl
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 51.92132, Longitude: 4.4788837

opmerkingen 5

  • Zsolt Csáfordi

    Zsolt Csáfordi


    3 weeks after opening the bank account, I'm still waiting for their letter with the activation code for my bank card. I've already sent an email to which I didn't get any answer, and also tried calling their number for international clients many times. When they finally answered the phone, no-one could help me. Eventually, the fourth (!) person I talked to via phone told me to come to their main office in person, because they can't solve the issue on any other way. This all just confirmed my first bad impression of them: something went wrong in their system, and I was registered somehow to their Schiedam office, where I've never been. How can such amateur mistakes happen? Is this really the efficiency of client service that the biggest commercial bank of the Netherlands is capable of?

  • en

    Gorkem Pancar


    Very friendly and extremely efficient service by the bank's employees. They were very kind, professional and competent to deliver the best service. Thank you!

  • nl

    P Schmitz


    wel jammer dat er alleen briefjes van 50 in de automaat zitten

  • Joe Shenouda

    Joe Shenouda


    Hij werkt!

  • Somaya Mostafa

    Somaya Mostafa


    Utterly helpful and staff assisted us get the needed things done every single time.

Bank in de buurt

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