Aanbiedingsfiets.nl in Alphen aan den Rijn




🕗 openingstijden

12, H. Kamerlingh Onnesweg, 2408 AW, Alphen aan den Rijn, Alphen aan Den Rijn, NL Holland
contacten telefoon: +31 172 477 070
website: www.aanbiedingsfiets.nl
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 52.129406, Longitude: 4.6449927

opmerkingen 2

  • Mollo Jongbloed

    Mollo Jongbloed


    Merkfietsen voor een echt lage prijs. Snel geleverd

  • Adam Sébire

    Adam Sébire


    This company was a pleasure to do business with, unlike a certain other bicycle company in Amsterdam. Replies to emails were helpful, they got the Gazelle in stock within two days of my order at the best price I could find in the whole of Holland, and allowed me to save €29 by collecting it in person (1hr from A'dam by train). It was assembled and waiting for me right on time, and they agreed that I could post the VAT invoice back, stamped upon my exit from the EU, and they would arrange a refund for that amount (21% in NL) to my credit card, which more than pays for the cost of taking a bike on Korean Air. They even had bike boxes for €10, half the cost at the airport. Finally, they were extremely helpful when I noticed the gears had slipped out of alignment, and even called a technician who'd clocked off, back in to show me how to deal with it if it happened again. The one gripe is that they put their sticker on the back mudguard but you could probably ask them not to. Overall, highly recommended!

Fietsenwinkel in de buurt

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