Aadam Wilhelmina Hotel in Amsterdam

NederlandAadam Wilhelmina Hotel



🕗 openingstijden

Vrijdagopen 24 uur
169, Koninginneweg, 1075 CN, Amsterdam, Amsterdam, NL Holland
contacten telefoon: +31 20 662 5467
website: www.hotel-aadam-wilhelmina.nl
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 52.3527707, Longitude: 4.8617854

opmerkingen 5

  • de

    N S


    Einwandfrei. Naja, bis auf das: es gab in dem Doppelbett nur eine große Decke, welche man sich teilen musste. Das Hotel ist sehr gut mit der Straßenbahn zu erreichen, nur paar Stationen vom Zentrum entfernt. Freundliches Personal arbeitet hier. Das Frühstück war immer frisch und gut. Das Zimmer ist klein, aber das ist in den alten Häusern normal :) Sauber ist es auch jeden Tag gewesen

  • Cameron Fenton

    Cameron Fenton


    The hotel itself is old, but it's in a good location. It's very expensive, but so is everything else in Amsterdam. My biggest problem with it was the accessibility. The stair case leading up to the rooms is borderline dangerous and there is no elevator. The steps are considerably smaller than my feet and very steep. If you have any mobility restrictions, I would avoid this place. Even without mobility restrictions, it was difficult to carry my suitcase up and down the stairs.

  • en

    Richard Smith


    Apart from having to haul our suitcase up 4 narrow stairs, it was good accommodation and friendly staff. Especially for 3 euros they will look after your luggage after you check out until 1900. Really useful for making the most of your last day.

  • Evgeniy Ovsyannikov

    Evgeniy Ovsyannikov


    Отель расположен в 3,5 километрах от центра города. Рядом есть парк с прогулочными и велодорожками. Отель расположен в тихом районе. Персонал говорит на нескольких языках, в том числе русском, очень дружелюбный. В номере есть чайник, чай, кофе. От отеля в центр города идет трамвай 2, до площади Дам. Остановка рядом с отелем. Но лучше пройтись пешком, посмотреть город. Номер чистый. Единственное неудобство- крутая узкая лестница в коридоре.

  • Александър Младенов

    Александър Младенов


    Very good for its price. It's in the centre. The room was clean. The staff is very friendly and they try to help with any of your questions, regarding transportation and locations in Amsterdam. The only minus is that it is a small hotel, so finding an unbooked room is hard. Definitely recommend it.

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