A-Train Hotel in Amsterdam

NederlandA-Train Hotel



🕗 openingstijden

Maandagopen 24 uur
Dinsdagopen 24 uur
Woensdagopen 24 uur
Donderdagopen 24 uur
Vrijdagopen 24 uur
Zaterdagopen 24 uur
Zondagopen 24 uur
23, Prins Hendrikkade, 1012 TM, Amsterdam, Amsterdam, NL Nederland
contacten telefoon: +31 20 624 1942
website: www.atrainhotel.com
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 52.3784524, Longitude: 4.8963485

opmerkingen 5

  • Shane Armbrister

    Shane Armbrister


    This is a nice little hotel. It was clean everyone was very nice and helpful at all times. It felt a lot like a college dorm though. There were two full size beds and a small desk. The hotel was close to the Res Light District but it was a bit of a walk to other locations. They serve breakfast it was okay. Just a simple spread. They rooms didn't have any shampoo or conditioner in them, I believe guests need to ask for them at the front desk. Whenever guests leave the hotel they have to leave their key at the front desk and hang on to a small orange piece of paper. When you come back to the hotel you show them the paper and get your key back. Overall not a bad stay but I'd recommend of you were in college and there with friends primarily going to the Red Light District.

  • en

    Lisa Lisa


    Surprisingly quiet hotel due to its location. You can actually see it from the train station. (Walking out of the train station look across the street to the right.) I had a single room, it was small by American standards but normal by European standards. The staff was very friendly and the rooms were clean.( There was a safe in the room)

  • Pakky Jarassisadanggoon

    Pakky Jarassisadanggoon


    โรงแรมนี้หาไม่ยาก อยู่ตรงหน้าออฟฟิศขายตั๋วของบริษัทเรือสีส้ม เราไปถึงตอนเที่ยง เช็คอินได้ก่อนเวลาที่ระบุในใบจองโรงแรม พนักงานต้อนรับดีมาก ห้องพักเราอยู่ชั้นสาม ติดถนน เสียงค่อนข้างจอแจ ห้องพักมีแอร์แต่ใช้ไม่ได้ เพราะยังไม่ใช่หน้าร้อน แต่ก็ไม่มีปัญหาอะไร เพราะอากาศยังไม่ร้อน แต่ถ้าใครร้อน ในห้องก็มีพัดลมให้นะ (ในตู้เสื้อผ้า) เตียงค่อนข้างแคบไปหน่อย เข้าใจว่าคงทำให้เป็นกิมมิคตามชื่อของโรงแรมรถไฟ วิวจากห้องพักเราดีงามมาก กลางคืนสวยมาก

  • nl

    Petra Hobus


    Erg leuk hotel. Vriendelijk en spontaan personeel. Ligging is fantastisch als je van Amsterdam centraal komt!!! 4 min lopen!! Kamers zijn mooi schoon en verder prima. Ontbijt is prima. Volgende x komen we zeker terug!

  • it

    moreno zucchetti


    Posto carissimo per quello che offre. Vorrei segnalare una difformità, quando si prenota accettano la.richiesta di camere.per fumatori, però quando arrivi, ti danno una camera per non fumatori e se ci fumi dentro devi pagare 100€ in più per ogni giorno in cui ci hai fumato, per la pulizia Delle camere aggiuntiva. Condivido che se fumi in camera la camera va poi santificata, ma se mi.prendi 470€ per tre notti e mi date una camera da B&B adatta a topolino, l'offerta di A-train è lontana anni luce da quanto offerto dal vicinato dell'"hotel". Non ci tornerò mai più! Sconsiglio spassionatamente!

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