A. Boeken Stoffen & Fournituren Winkel in Amsterdam

NederlandA. Boeken Stoffen & Fournituren Winkel



🕗 openingstijden

33A, Nieuwe Hoogstraat, 1011 HD, Amsterdam, Amsterdam, NL Netherlands
contacten telefoon: +31 20 626 7205
website: aboeken.nl
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 52.370677, Longitude: 4.900193

opmerkingen 5

  • Juliette Mong-the

    Juliette Mong-the


    Nice place, you’ll find a lot of things. Not the cheapest place in town

  • O P

    O P


    Lots and lots of well organized racks with all materials you want. Polite and fast employees

  • Fernanda Vloet

    Fernanda Vloet


    Amazing store! Fabric with good prices and high quality.

  • John Smith

    John Smith


    I have shopped here countless times. They have a wide selection for all sewing, fashion, and craft needs. 5 stars for alwyas having everything I need in stock. High Five! As for the service its standard for amsterdam. I wouldnt say the staff are rude. They are not Efficient or Proactive. Because the store is small the front middle section crowds up quickly. It took me several visits to figure out the system. The team have a habit of only wanting to help from the cash register. If they were to spread out and stay in the other rooms. They would be able cut fabric answer questions and sort accessories. When the guest is ready to pay the cashier would only have to bag and complete the transaction. P.S Managment this is unacceptable. We the community are your clients. Why havent you solved this problem? Is this really the legacy you want to leave. I started my online business and I would buy all supplies at this shop. A way of supporting local When my business grew I had to buy in bulk to keep my products stocked. I still support by getting all my supplies for protoypes and sadly the customer service is below average.

  • Mathilda Eklund

    Mathilda Eklund


    No corona measured at all! Pretty shocking! Not even a sign on the door about it, no hand sanitiser, no masks, staff not being careful at all. In such a small shop there should at least me a max allowed customers. On top of rude staff that doesn’t even look at you or greet you. There’s better places to spend your money!

Huisgoederenwinkel in de buurt

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