A-Bike Dam Square - Bike Rental in Amsterdam

NederlandA-Bike Dam Square - Bike Rental



🕗 openingstijden

105A, Rokin, 1012 KM, Amsterdam, Amsterdam, NL Holandia
contacten telefoon: +31 20 210 0165
website: a-bike.eu
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 52.369767, Longitude: 4.892339

opmerkingen 5

  • Pavlos Papadopoulos

    Pavlos Papadopoulos


    Great biking experience. We used the bikes the four out of the six days that we were in Amsterdam. Really cool staff, great prices and the bikes were awesome. We also used them to go to Utrecht and it was a great ride! Good job guys! Keep up the great work!

  • de

    Abdullah Demirtas


    Definitiv zu empfehlen! Man muss auch nicht unbedingt pünktlich zurückkommen. In der Hinsicht sind die Leute sehr großzügig...

  • Estelle CENILLE

    Estelle CENILLE


    Bon accueil. Nous avons pris une location de vélo sans guide mais on nous a donné une carte avec des points intéressants à voir, les conseils en terme de parcours. Très agréable. Merci.

  • fr

    Gil Sommerhalder


    Top service, prix correct et raisonnable. Les vélos sont bien équipés et en bon état. Je recommande sans hésitation.

  • Olympia Tsintza

    Olympia Tsintza


    Simply the best bike rental you can find in Amsterdam! The service is far better than your greatest expectations, on a friendly attitude and so willing to help you with directions. Thank you once more George! You are given a map and many tips to not miss top routes. Cheap also. You get a discount if you have issued an I amsterdam city card. Top of that you are welcome to their sofa for a hot cup of tea or coffee for free. The city bike I was given it was in very good condition with 3 gears and a comfortable saddle. I biked for almost 5 hours with a few minutes stop and it was great. I definitely recommend it!

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