1953 Retro & Chic in Amsterdam

Nederland1953 Retro & Chic



🕗 openingstijden

2, Staalstraat, 1011 JL, Amsterdam, Amsterdam, NL Niederlande
contacten telefoon: +31 6 24933582
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 52.3682255, Longitude: 4.8966784

opmerkingen 5

  • John Tsiantis

    John Tsiantis


    Nice vintage shop

  • I-lin



    Great shop. Love the vintage collection

  • Spusella Lo

    Spusella Lo


    Regular small 2nd hand store, quite expensive. I was looking for plain stuff like 50ies pencil skirts/dresses, but found most of the stuff to be unwearable due to old-fashioned patterns and cheap fabrics.

  • nl

    AP H


    Super bijzondere plek in hartje Amsterdam!

  • G. O.

    G. O.


    Beware, they knowingly sell fake designer items! I bought a pair of Louboutins from them and was assured they were real, as I would never buy counterfeit, but I'm no expert, so I had to confirm with the store attendant. A few weeks later when taking them to the official Louboutin cobblers Minut Moins, I was told they were fake. I emailed them and they admitted it was fake but would not accept a return. It's such a shame since it's a great shop with some authentic items. However, the fact that they knowingly sell fake items and not disclose this and refuse to refund when found out is not very ethical.

Winkel in de buurt

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