Wash Care Laundry Service i Amsterdam

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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HollandWash Care Laundry Service



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49, Nieuwezijds Voorburgwal, 1012 RD, Amsterdam, Amsterdam, NL Nederland
kontakter telefon: +31 20 341 8664
internet side: www.washcare.nl
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Latitude: 52.3760011, Longitude: 4.8935724

kommentar 5

  • Andrew Halliday

    Andrew Halliday


    Worst ever. Avoid. Was quoted €15 for a large load, but arrived with a small one and said I'd pay when it's done. When I picked it up the next day, my jeans are still wet, I'm missing three pairs of underpants and a sock, and they tried to charge me €20. No English or Dutch. Should have read the reviews. Stay away.

  • David Francis

    David Francis


    Tried to charge us €40 for 2 small bags of washing. We left and the guy round the corner charged us €16 for the same! Super Dodgy. Avoid!

  • Alexander Nasse

    Alexander Nasse


    One of the worst laundry places in Amsterdam. Feel like being charged 20 euros by a very rude guy who speaks hardly any Dutch or English? This is the place to be.

  • Evelina



    Handed in a Burberry coat for dry cleaning 2 weeks ago, received the jacket back without the belt. Still havn't heard anything back from them. 1 month now and I have still not heard anything back. Didn't receive any refund. Don't go here if you have valuable clothes, they lose (or steal?) it and don't give any refund, not even the money I paid for the dry cleaning.

  • en

    Natapon Klungpremchit


    Really nice, fast and friendly service. Came to pick up and drop off the clothes at my apartment as indicated. One little improvement is they could have folded my socks and underwear neatly instead of putting them in the bag unfolded. This would make the whole presentation look more professional. Other than that, all my shirts, jeans, and pajamas were washed and neatly folded. Will use their service again if I come to Amsterdam in the future.

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