VANS Store i Amsterdam

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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HollandVANS Store



🕗 åbningstider

166, Kalverstraat, 1012 XE, Amsterdam, Amsterdam, NL Países Bajos
kontakter telefon: +31 20 422 0089
internet side:
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Latitude: 52.36846, Longitude: 4.89119

kommentar 5

  • Idil Gnosti

    Idil Gnosti


    Good store located in the popular shopping district where most cool and hip stores are located at. Generally nice employees and enough selection of shoes. If you are a student, you get 10% discount. Don't forget to show!

  • en

    Asso Safai


    Really crowded and a small store. Prices are also expensive for what you get. The staff was really friendly and they also fit the Vans look in my opinion. You could also pre order the item you wanted which they didn't have in store anymore and you also had the option to send it to your house instead of picking it up. If the prices were a bit cheaper I would definitely shop here more often.

  • es

    Jhon Helix


    Muyyyy buen almacen

  • en

    Lu na


    Staff seems very self-absorbed. I had to pretty much beg them to bring me the shoes from the storage to try on, even though they were not busy, I was talking to one of them and the other interrupted to ask him something. You feel ridiculous as a customer, like you have to be thankful if they do anything. For the prices you pay it's a pretty sad service.

  • nl

    Joella Ingelse


    Zeer slecht personeel, worden gewoon om 17:55 weggestuurd... we wisten wat we wilde we hoefde alleen maar te betalen, hooguit waren we er 5 minuten. En hoe het gezegd word al... heel brutaal! Kom daar nooit meer! 😡 Geef nog liever 0 sterren!!

nærmeste Sko butik

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