The Real Estate Agency | Verhuurmakelaar in Amsterdam

NederlandThe Real Estate Agency | Verhuurmakelaar



🕗 openingstijden

4-F, Elandsstraat, 1016 SG, Amsterdam, Amsterdam, NL Netherlands
contacten telefoon: +31 20 210 1774
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 52.3709881, Longitude: 4.8822016

opmerkingen 5

  • Alexander Ljungström

    Alexander Ljungström


    I've lived in 4 different countries and encountered many real estate agents in various context. None of them have been on par with Rami and the quality that The Real Estate Agency is delivering. The process is streamlined, the communication is flawless and the service is above and beyond. A human touch with perspective for all parties involved.

  • Joe YBH

    Joe YBH


    What a great company! Via the website I could easily make a choice from 1 of the packages and within a week my house was rented out. Thank you Rami and team!

  • Stephen Friday

    Stephen Friday


    We've worked with Rami twice and had great results both times. We'll likely work with him again on a third project soon.

  • Kelly Woodman

    Kelly Woodman


    We worked with Rami from this agency and found him to be a great pleasure to work with. He was fast, efficient, honest and took the hassle out of everything for us. The agency is extremely professional and even when Rami was away on business there was still someone there to contact who knew our details and could easily pick up where he left off. Very happy and will definitely be using them again on the future (both for renting and selling!)

  • Julia Esther Cardoso

    Julia Esther Cardoso


    Super good! I was searching for a apartment in Amsterdam and The Real Estate Agency helped me fast to find the best location that totally fits with me! For sure a company that I would recommend ;)

Makelaar in de buurt

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