Six Collection i Amsterdam

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HollandSix Collection



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218, Amstel, 1017 AJ, Amsterdam, Amsterdam, NL Netherlands
kontakter telefon: +31 20 642 7777
internet side:
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Latitude: 52.3650527, Longitude: 4.9006803

kommentar 5

  • Tom Jefferds

    Tom Jefferds


    Private art collection in the residence of Baron Six (tours by application)

  • Bartosz Sosnik

    Bartosz Sosnik


    I'm not into just art, I'm into history, I'm into good stories and facts. I like when all of that if it is well connected and well explained or told. I really enjoyed the visit. It was, in my opinion, much better than the Rijksmuseum. Without an app and huge building there was much more of an authentic history behind. Till now the nr. 1 of Amsterdam for me.

  • Jeroen Nasnl

    Jeroen Nasnl


    Impressive Rembrandt. Impressive family history, impressive house, impressive collection, impressive tour guides.

  • Yu Hsinju

    Yu Hsinju


    Amazing collections from Rembrandts and very good guide took us through all the rooms. Remember to reserve online, I’d waited for 2 months and it was totally worth it!

  • Micaela Almeida

    Micaela Almeida


    What a wonderful privilege to visit the Six Collection! I booked months in advance through their website and grew excited as the date approached but the actual tour/house was even better than my expectation! Unmissable if you're planning to visit Amsterdam try and book a visit to this family heritage.

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