Royal Palace Amsterdam i Amsterdam

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HollandRoyal Palace Amsterdam



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147, Nieuwezijds Voorburgwal, 1012 RJ, Amsterdam, Amsterdam, NL Netherlands
kontakter telefon: +31 20 522 6161
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Latitude: 52.3731835, Longitude: 4.8913758

kommentar 5

  • Sohrab Taee

    Sohrab Taee


    What makes this palace unique is the way modern art is integrated into the old architecture and paintings.

  • Fatih Koçyiğit

    Fatih Koçyiğit


    Beautiful place in Dam square. Good location you can easily get there. Near to the Jordaan and Red Light District and Amsterdam Central. Also you can see the new church and Madame Tussauds.

  • Lily Chan

    Lily Chan


    Fantastic and beautiful palace, open only summer, this year from 29 June to 13 September and 16-22 September 2019. You can reserve the online ticket for entrance or buying at the counter while opening around 10 am., ticket price 10 Euro, including audio guide for exploration every opening places and rooms by yourself. The staff are very friendly and helpful for all tourists. If you carry a large bag or jacket, there's a place for storage. It may be better to come earlier, before opening time because of crowded people and limitation of self-audio guide instruments. The toilet is very clean and comfortable. In the afternoon, there's many peoples gathering in front of Royal palace and having many activities. Be careful about thieves and pick pockets!

  • Al Cza

    Al Cza



  • jon brierley

    jon brierley


    We enjoyed pour visit to this inspiring, very grand building - formerly Amsterdams’ town hall. Great audio guide available in a myriad of languages, which tell the story of this magnificent palace. Convenient location in Dam square, thus good if staying in nearby hotels.

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