PostNL Pakketpunt in Amsterdam

NederlandPostNL Pakketpunt



🕗 openingstijden

131, Ceintuurbaan, 1072 GA, Amsterdam, Amsterdam, NL Netherlands
contacten telefoon: +31
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 52.3532415, Longitude: 4.8929585

opmerkingen 5

  • Marcel Stiphout

    Marcel Stiphout



  • Garima Jain

    Garima Jain


    The owner is polite and helpful. PostNL made a mistake in my delivery but the owner of this location was patient and kind enough to help me find my packet. Thank you!

  • Otgongerel Nyamsambuu

    Otgongerel Nyamsambuu


    I never thought I would write a review on pick up point. However, it has been horrible experience. The staff is horribly rude and claims my package is not there when the tracking link clearly shows it's there to be picked up. The guy is rude, arrogant and clearly can't find a box lying there. I contacted the post office they confirmed it is there but my pickup period is about to be expired and going back to the sender tomorrow morning. I am not sure if they can be eligible to be a pickup point.

  • Enric Rodriguez Campreciós

    Enric Rodriguez Campreciós


    My package never arrived to the correct place because they wrote the wrong address... when I came to the shop they disrespect me

  • Istella de Mari

    Istella de Mari


    WARNING: the staff in this store do not know how to properly register packages in the system. They did it wrongly for us and now cannot deliver and struggle since 3 weeks to find back 2 boxes a 10kg each that we paid 25€ each to send with track & trace

Postkantoor in de buurt

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