Pizza Beppe in Amsterdam

NederlandPizza Beppe



🕗 openingstijden

27, Roelof Hartstraat, 1071 VG, Amsterdam, Amsterdam, NL Netherlands
contacten telefoon: +31 20 774 0670
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 52.3524481, Longitude: 4.8858016

opmerkingen 5

  • Ronald Bangma

    Ronald Bangma


    Great place, lovely food and very friendly service

  • Carlos Camacho

    Carlos Camacho


    Pizza that will make you happy 😃🍕🔝

  • Jeyran Ak

    Jeyran Ak


    we ordered two pizzas from Delivero and both of them were too salty. unfortunately we had to throw them away. also the packaging and the delivery was poor. when we received the pizzas, they were collapsed in one corner of the boxes.

  • Julia Mientjes

    Julia Mientjes


    The people that work here are so nice. I've looked for good pizza in Amsterdam for years and gave up... every place with raving reviews didn't meet my expectations. The thing that sets pizza Beppe apart from other places, besides their incredible recipe of course, is the products they use to make the pizza. You can taste the freshness of the tomatoes as if they were just plucked from a tree in an orchard somewhere in quiet rural italy. These pizzas are gonna make me fat and poor but I can't help it...they are the joy of life. Side note: if you can, I recommend to go get the pizzas yourself. As napoli style pizza should be, they're quite moist (but not as wet as competitor Soto) and while I sat outside waiting for my pizza I've seen so many delivery guys put the pizza in their backpack thingies crooked...the topping will shift and I imagines it doesn't do the pizza any favors!

  • Boris Kniesmeijer

    Boris Kniesmeijer


    Yesterday ordered 5 Pizza's based on other reviews, I Am a real fan of southern italian Pizza's but these Pizza's are really terrible... Way too salt but the Main issue is the dough, , the dough is really bad, actually it looked and tasted like they where made the Day before and put in the microwave. I was really looking forward eating a napolitaanse pizza but have been so disappointed. 😕

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