Pannenkoekenhuis Upstairs in Amsterdam

NederlandPannenkoekenhuis Upstairs



🕗 openingstijden

2, Grimburgwal, 1012 GA, Amsterdam, Amsterdam, NL Países Bajos
contacten telefoon: +31 20 626 5603
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 52.369285, Longitude: 4.893423

opmerkingen 5

  • Koen Alexander

    Koen Alexander


    Quick service. Perfect Dutch style pancakes. I recommend the speck and cheese. Tiny place, so reserve a table. Very steep stairs, so unfortunately not accessible to wheelchairs.

  • Petra Ágoston

    Petra Ágoston


    Tiny pancake place with kettles hanging from the ceiling. The stairs are very steep, just in like other places in Amsterdam. Great pancake selection with both sweet and savory options. As it has only 4 tables there can be a bit of wait, but the turnaround is time is still decent, about 15-20 minutes.

  • Maik Wosnitzka

    Maik Wosnitzka


    Really nice and small restaurant for traditional pancakes. The staff is really quick and friendly here. Be prepared to get to make new friends here: There are only four tables and often you will be seated with unknowns. Because of the small amount of tables I recommend to reservate a table by phone a day before.

  • Mario Gomez

    Mario Gomez


    Lugar autentico de Amsterdam, muy dificil conseguir mesa, solo tiene 4.

  • en

    Bjoern B


    It is probably the smallest restaurant in Amsterdam. Very steep stairs welcome the visitors, but it is worth to climb them. In the small room you get served maybe the most delicious pancakes of Amsterdam. You can choose between sweet or savoury pancakes. Due to the size the service is quick and also kind. Better to reserve a table in advance.

Winkel in de buurt

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