Ouke Baas Autoverhuur i Amsterdam

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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HollandOuke Baas Autoverhuur



🕗 åbningstider

Van Ostadestraat 360 - 370, 1074 XA Amsterdam, Países Bajos
kontakter telefon: +31 20 679 4842
internet side: www.oukebaas.nl
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 52.3538827, Longitude: 4.9024571

kommentar 5

  • Clement Batut

    Clement Batut


    Not very friendly guys, but it gets the job done. Could be cheaper too. The costs add up quickly if you are not able to pay the deposit for the own risk in full (over 1000€).

  • Zoran Hristov

    Zoran Hristov


    Nice and reputable rent shop. Viacles are in good condition and the service is fine

  • en

    Daniela Llanos


    Like others, I've also experienced the adding of extra costs when returning the vehicle. They even have their own gas pump to be able to charge you the extra few litres of fuel you spent (I filled up the tank before returning it, but of course you're gonna lose a few litres by heading from the tank station to the rental place...). This seems a bit petty and not very customer friendly. All in all, I paid twice the rate that was published on the irwebsite. I'll be looking elsewhere next time.

  • Michal Fašánek

    Michal Fašánek


    Scheduled the car pick-up for Saturday 09:30 am morning. After arriving at the spot spent well over 30 min waiting in line before our reservation could be processed because there was only a single employee to handle the whole process. The car was old and fairly used but worked fine so no complaints there. Second disappointment came when I saw on my account that they didn't return the full deposit without stating any reason whatsoever; after reaching out via email I haven't heard back at all - this is two weeks ago.

  • nl

    Erik Homan


    Eerlijke transparante autoverhuur. Heb hier zeker 5 keer een auto gehuurd en altijd is de service goed.

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