Oudemanhuispoort in Amsterdam

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Oudemanhuispoort, 1012 CN, Amsterdam, Amsterdam, NL Netherlands
contacten telefoon: +31 20 525 1400
website: www.uva.nl
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 52.3692781, Longitude: 4.8960005

opmerkingen 5

  • Hangry Clogs

    Hangry Clogs


    The Oudemanhuispoort formerly formed the entrance to one of the first senior citizen homes in Amsterdam, now the complex houses the University of Amsterdam law faculty. In the passage way there are a few side entrances, one to the law faculty courtyard, sometimes open to visitors. The passage way is still home to a book market, started by Jewish booksellers in times long past, where even Vincent van Gogh visited. The old booksellers are gone since WW2, but their places have been taken over and business continues to this day.

  • Kim Berly

    Kim Berly


    Love the location of this university. It's sometimes difficult to find the correct room but u think that's what gives it charm, lots of little corridors and stairs. And the smell as you go upstairs towards the legal library, is amazing.

  • Lora Aroyo

    Lora Aroyo


    This is one of the many University of Amsterdam locations in the city. Some of their humanities departments are located here. The location is quite nice, however it is enormously difficult to find the exact location of the building or the room you are searching for. The signs are not very helpful either. You can however spent some relaxing minutes in the inner court, which is quiet and very pleasant. And you will have the chance to observe the Amsterdam student life on the spot.

  • Sten Ritterfeld

    Sten Ritterfeld


    Very nice, old building. Good place for a university!

  • Wessel Du Plooy

    Wessel Du Plooy


    This small corridor has a running book market. Situated practically adjacent to the buzzing Red Light District, this is a remarkably quiet corner of Amsterdam

Universiteit in de buurt

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