Nico van der Horst foto-video in Leiden

NederlandNico van der Horst foto-video



🕗 openingstijden

22-24, Doezastraat, 2311 HB, Leiden, Leiden, NL Holland
contacten telefoon: +31 71 512 4702
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 52.1541273, Longitude: 4.4897202

opmerkingen 5

  • en

    Jiang Wu


    If possible I would leave a zero star. Unprofessional whatsoever, no customer service and most importantly, dishonest. I went in and asked for taking passport/visa photos, and he told me it would be 11 euros for 4 photos. Then I told him the specific requirement was 35mm*50mm, he said it was a bit strange but seemed fine with it and didn’t say anything else. After printing the photo and cut into the right size, he gave me the ONE photo and said that cost 11 euros, because the usual size is 35*45, and the photo I asked for was too big so only one fits into the photo paper. 5mm? Too big? Seriously? And not informing the customer beforehand? Stupid scam.

  • nl

    Roel V


    beter en goedkoper dan diverse alternatieven in de buurt

  • en

    Barbara Kozak


    100% professional, very kind and relatively cheap service

  • en

    Jenny Greenop


    Very patient and professional! I had passport photos taken for my baby daughter for a french passport. He is very experienced with children. I highly recommend this store.

  • nl

    A V


    Kwaliteit en vakmanschap gaan hier hand in hand. Punctueel, betrouwbaar en duidelijke adviezen. Een zaak waar je voor de stad in gaat.

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