New York Pizza Almere Vlaardingenstraat in Almere

NederlandNew York Pizza Almere Vlaardingenstraat



🕗 openingstijden

1, Vlaardingenstraat, 1324 LA, Almere, Almere, NL Holandia
contacten telefoon: +31 36 530 4994
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 52.362641, Longitude: 5.2021129

opmerkingen 5

  • diana van klooster

    diana van klooster


    Heerlijk mooi gemaakt voor de kids en boten

  • nl

    Master jason


    Goed eten

  • Tristan Smit

    Tristan Smit


    De beste pizza's in de buurt! Zeker een aanrader.

  • Camille Christophe

    Camille Christophe


    Service is fast. Employees are helpful and kind. Nice tjat they inform u about discounts. only thing is hygiene may have to be rechecked. Or training on how to handle food because on 2 seperate occasions my husband and I got bad food poisoning (vomiting and diarrhoea at the same time) after eating pizza's we ordered. Both occassions were on public holidays 1 of them bieng new years eve. We think its a mixture of because being busy they forgot normal food safety protocol. And also because majority of staff are young in age .

  • Jorn Van't Hof

    Jorn Van't Hof


    Aardig personeel, wel erg chaotisch. Ik moest zelf komen vragen of hij klaar was. Pizza wel van kwaliteit zoals je verwacht.

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