Mike's Bike Tours Amsterdam i Amsterdam

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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HollandMike's Bike Tours Amsterdam



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420, Herengracht, 1017 BZ, Amsterdam, Amsterdam, NL Netherlands
kontakter telefon: +31 6 43611798
internet side: www.mikesbiketoursamsterdam.com
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 52.3667995, Longitude: 4.8875277

kommentar 5

  • Jacqueline Pospisal

    Jacqueline Pospisal


    Have done tours several times, was just about to book another when I learned you are closed for good. So bummed to hear this, so sorry for you. You were all great. Thank you

  • Christian Testa

    Christian Testa


    Are you looking for the best Bike Rental in Amsterdam? You must go to Mike Bike's Tour. I'm from Italy and i tried different services, and mike's was the best. They were more clear about how works the rental, the bike's quality, the kindness and the availability. The service is very good and they are very good sellers. Especially the guy with colored hairs hahah. I really suggest Mike's if you were in my situation: the first time in amsterdam!

  • Trajan Schaub

    Trajan Schaub


    Soo much more than a typical city tour! Sander was an amazing guide; he brought our group together, allowed us all to learn about the city's history and architecture, experience a taste of Amsterdam city life, share many laughs, and make us all feel welcome as a group of people from different backgrounds. I expected a formal tour, but instead I made friends and had an experience reaching far beyond my expectations. Highly recommend!

  • Sainath Zunjurwad

    Sainath Zunjurwad


    Superb tour!! Patrick is an exceptionally gifted guide, who gave us a great overview of the city and history in a fun way with great touch of humour. He was observant that everyone was okay and doing well. The tour was fantastically organized along the streets of Amsterdam. It is important to ride with a guide rather than on your own in amsterdam considering the evolved stage of cycling in the city. The bikes were excellent and easy to ride. Overall, a great show!!! thank you!

  • Phyllis R

    Phyllis R


    A great tour around Amsterdam. Riding pace was easy enough for everyone to keep up even those of us like me who don't ride often. Bikes they use are easy to control and operate. Guide was very knowledgeable and personable. Could use a bathroom stop on a 3 hour tour.

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