Klaver Tweewielers in Amsterdam

NederlandKlaver Tweewielers



🕗 openingstijden

263, Baarsjesweg, 1058 AC, Amsterdam, Amsterdam, NL Netherlands
contacten telefoon: +31 20 616 3128
website: www.klaver2wielers.nl
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 52.3608326, Longitude: 4.8566998

opmerkingen 5

  • Florin Fira

    Florin Fira


    Happy with the bike I bought and very good customer service.

  • Adri Pendleton

    Adri Pendleton


    Wonderful bikes and customer service! Myself, my boyfriend, and my boyfriend's friend have all gotten our second-hand bikes here. They include a 3-month warranty, except in my case because the guys here were kind enough to sell me a second-hand bike at the same cost they'd bought it for. I didn't have much money, so it was very appreciated! The bike works wonderfully and I couldn't be happier. My boyfriend also loves his new bike! Someone recently crashed into my bike and bent the pedal crank arm. I took it into the shop and it was repaired for €12 within just a couple hours. This shop has both mine and my boyfriend's business and recommendation for anyone and everyone! Thanks for being awesome, guys! :)

  • en

    Michaél Lockwood


    Exceptional staff and helpful.

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    Myrthe Rustemeijer


    Great bike shop - I received great service from the owner of the shop and his daughter who both were extremely helpful and friendly. Best gift I ever got for my loved one! Will definitely come back here for all bike related things.

  • Brandon Doyle

    Brandon Doyle


    Highly recommend this bike shop if you are looking for a new or used bike. Friendly staff that speaks both Dutch and English. No pressure to buy a bike . They want their customers to feel welcome and will happily spend time explaining to you the different options and difference between bikes. Fair prices with a 3 month warrantee on used bikes.

Fietsenwinkel in de buurt

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