KILROY Amsterdam i Amsterdam

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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HollandKILROY Amsterdam



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413, Singel, 1012 WP, Amsterdam, Amsterdam, NL Netherlands
kontakter telefon: +31 20 524 5100
internet side:
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Latitude: 52.3681488, Longitude: 4.8890712

kommentar 5

  • Burak Seluk

    Burak Seluk


    I have buy a ticket by kilroy, and they still did not refuns my money from februari!!!!BIG FAILED COMPANY

  • Francisco Barroca

    Francisco Barroca


    Not a reliable travel agent I found Kilroy trough Skyscanner with a good deal to go to AMS-LIS with KLM. It happens that KLM cancelled the flight and I need to request my refund via the agent (KILROY). After several messages to KILROY customer service not even 1 reply that we are taking care of my case. I understand that COVID-19 has some how disrupted the way we work but had months do far to adjust to remote working. I did and thousands companies did. Why is KILROY taking so looooong to answer??? Advise to all flight travelers --> stop buying tickets with travel agents. The airlines will always default the customer service to the agent and if this one doesn't act then you loose.

  • Anna Druchlińska

    Anna Druchlińska


    You can get your ISIC card here :) Thank you ISIC Netherlands!

  • Sebastien Siegenthaler

    Sebastien Siegenthaler


    Seriously the best choice ever! All the questions you have when making a complex trip are answered in no time, and if they don't have the answers straight away the'll make sure to get back to you quickly and correct! And the best thing we didn't even know before booking with them is that they are super cheap as their "earning model" is based on commissions with the organizations. So a big win win and a even bigger recommendation!

  • Raymond Wilders

    Raymond Wilders


    Great service and tips!

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