Kasteel Kerckebosch i Zeist

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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HollandKasteel Kerckebosch



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31, Arnhemse Bovenweg, 3708 AA, Zeist, Zeist, NL Netherlands
kontakter telefon: +31 30 692 6666
internet side: www.kasteelkerckebosch.com
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Latitude: 52.07409, Longitude: 5.2584251

kommentar 5

  • en

    Barbara Knezevic


    We've had a lovely stay at the castle. Dinner was perfect and the atmosphere is super cosy. We are had some car trouble and the whole staff helped us out, which was super nice! Would def. come back and stay with them again.

  • Thabit Mikidadi

    Thabit Mikidadi


    The place is very nice, nice setting especially around Christmas time, good food, friendly staff.

  • Niklas Behnke

    Niklas Behnke


    It was a very nice old building and the breakfast was very good. Rooms a bit old-fashioned but still okay

  • en

    Sebastian Schöningh


    I stayed one night at the hotel during a business trip in one of the rooms in the old part. The hallway with the fireplace definitely looks very comfy. The room itself was ok, the double bed was more a queen size bed I think. The room was kind of small but ok, the windows are single glassed so can be kind of cold. The bathroom was kind of smelly because of the shower curtain and I heard the same from my colleague, so that's definitely something the hotel should change. In general the room was ok. What I definitely liked was the bistro in the evening. The food is pretty good, the breakfast in the morning is nice as well but kind of standard level. In total I would give a 3.5/5

  • en



    After confirming an option for a wedding with, Ingmar, the owner of the business, we have notified over 100 guests who started to book holidays and flights. Only to find out that the venue was negligent in their administration and was double booked. They went in favour of the other booking the football club UEFA, as they are a lucrative reoccurring business client rather than a one off wedding. Completely ruining our wedding and not caring about it at all as they had another booking. I had spent days in tears, and had to tell over 100 people that our wedding is not going to be held there because of them, causing a huge amount of wasted cost and stress. The hotels response ... well it was a "miscommunication" and instead of the castle that we discussed, visited, had a quote for and put an option on, they want to book us into an Orangery which we had no idea about, never discussed, based on computer generated image does not fit the theme of the wedding, never acquired a quote for and is NOT EVEN BUILT YET!!! This "miscommunication" as the hotel calls it cost pretty dear and stress to us and our friends and family. Owner's response after multiple chasers – your problem as UEFA spends more money than your wedding. Nothing else was done! UNPROFESSIONAL. DO NOT DEAL WITH THEM. Think twice if you want your wedding ruined by these people and do not trust their "option" system.

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