Instituut Loelle-Institut de Beaute in Deventer

NederlandInstituut Loelle-Institut de Beaute


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🕗 openingstijden

35, Grote Overstraat, 7411 JA, Deventer, Deventer, NL Netherlands
contacten telefoon: +31 570 672 692
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 52.2528391, Longitude: 6.1584253

opmerkingen 5

  • nl

    Annie Groen


  • nl

    Fred Hartgers


    Instituut Loelle verhuist naar nieuwe locatie te Deventer

  • Olena Drost

    Olena Drost


    The most horrible manicure I've ever had in my life and was the most expensive. It took almost 3 hours! I had long nails and wanted to make them short, a girl made them short but they all had a different shape. I had a long cuticle and asked to remove it but they do not remove cuticles at all, they even did not have any scissors. I was wondering why they did not remove cuticle and the girl said because it is possible to hurt it. But my cuticle was sticking not nicely and the girl tried to push it back with a wooden stick so hard that she hurt it and cut a cuticle with a wooden stick! My skin was bleeding and I asked her to use peroxide to clean it and to stop blood but the Institute of beauty did not have any peroxide and nothing at all to stop bleeding! The girl used nail polish remover to stop bleeding, which was painful and burning for the skin! The girl tried to cover my nails with color three times and it looked horrible. The nail polish was not only on the nails but under the nails and on the sides of the fingers. I asked her to remove color as she simply was not able to cover it with a color and to use a transparent nail polish. When I came home I had to redo the manicure myself. I manage to do a manicure at home much better than Loelle-Institut de Beaute. I do not recommend anyone to do a manicure there!

  • Azadeh Rahimpour

    Azadeh Rahimpour


    Not really satisfied. Specially the nails was not good. Really basic.

  • nl

    Diana Dobe


    Helaas, ik belde ze op om een afspraak te maken, ze namen op en lieten me vijf minuten lang wachten aan de lijn terwijl ze op de achtergrond aan het kletsen waren. Jammer. Zo hoor je niet met klanten om te gaan.

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