Iede Hoorn Uitvaartzorg in Amsterdam

Coronavirusziekte (COVID-19) Situatie

bevestigde gevallen




NederlandIede Hoorn Uitvaartzorg



🕗 openingstijden

Maandagopen 24 uur
Dinsdagopen 24 uur
Woensdagopen 24 uur
Donderdagopen 24 uur
Vrijdagopen 24 uur
Zaterdagopen 24 uur
Zondagopen 24 uur
14-1, Nieuwe Prinsengracht, 1018 XJ, Amsterdam, Amsterdam, NL Netherlands
contacten telefoon: +31 6 28859796
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 52.363015, Longitude: 4.905304

opmerkingen 5

  • Renske Wadman

    Renske Wadman


    Iede geeft een intense, warme en persoonlijke begeleiding op een moment dat dat juist zo ontzettend nodig is. Hij was voor mij en mijn dochtertje, en familie, een enorme steun, die er was als we hem nodig hadden, ideeen aandroeg en meedacht over ten aanzien van de beperkingen en mogelijkheden door de corona-epidemie, zaken regelde waar ik zelf nooit aan had gedacht, maar ook heel goed wist wanneer hij ons onze eigen ruimte moest geven. Ik had me geen betere persoon kunnen wensen in deze verschrikkelijke tijd na het overlijden van mijn man. Dank je wel, Iede, voor alles!

  • Ankie Stoetzer

    Ankie Stoetzer


    On April 6, my mother passed away. It was a planned death. We asked Iede Hoorn to assist us and there was an immediate click between him and my family. My mother also met him at my house; she called him "top." How special! We had 3 weeks to plan mom's farewell and had intensive contact with Iede. We got to know him as someone who listens well and feels safe where the need lies and who has the gift to 'scan' how everyone is doing. It was an atmospheric farewell in a small theater in Breda, designed in such a way that it suited mama very well in the sense of who she was and what she loved. Iede guided us in a professional way with his own, pleasant and naturally charming style of acting and speaking. We kept in touch even after we said goodbye. Less than a month later, there was another death in the family. My brother in law. suicide. I immediately contacted Iede; he could. A very different goodbye; intense, intense and heavy. Yet here too, Iede was able to expertly assist the family and relatives to make his farewell 'appropriate' and personal. I am, we are grateful to you, Eide🙏🏼 Ankie

  • Martijn van Dijk

    Martijn van Dijk


    Together with Iede I was able to realize a beautiful farewell for my best friend. Despite the fact that this is always an extremely sad event, Iede made sure that it was a dignified and beautiful goodbye. Well organized, very friendly, understanding and helpful. Clear communication and a good overview of everything that needs to be arranged in these turbulent days. My thanks are great.

  • nathalie ruhe

    nathalie ruhe


    Iede accompanied our mother's funeral so beautifully that it has become so much more bearable. It was a wonderful goodbye! Also the guidance in selecting the funeral card and flowers, everything was thought of and carefully done. In peace and with clear agreements about the estimated costs, we are very satisfied and grateful that Iede and his team have guided us so fantastically during this difficult time. Thank you very much Eide🙏🙏🙏

  • Aisha bransen

    Aisha bransen


    Iede is a person with whom we, as funeral musicians, enjoy working together. His drive, genuine interest in the family and his passion for organizing a funeral to perfection, make him highly recommended to choose as a funeral director. Actually listening and understanding the other is a must when doing this work and everyone understands this better than anyone else. The special thing is that when during a funeral it is allowed to really unpack or there may be an interpretation of really over the top, Iede is often called about this. I think people sense this. Families get the attention they deserve.

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