Hotel Prins Hendrik i Amsterdam

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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HollandHotel Prins Hendrik


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53, Prins Hendrikkade, 1012 AC, Amsterdam, Amsterdam, NL Holandia
kontakter telefon: +31 20 623 7969
internet side:
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Latitude: 52.3765165, Longitude: 4.8996

kommentar 5

  • Charly ..

    Charly ..


    Muy amable la atención. la ubicación buena, frente a la estación central, en el barrio viejo. Cerca hay muchos bares y restaurantes. El hotel ofrece desayuno. Las habitaciones son cómodas. El hotel cuenta con ascensor aunque tiene entre pisos así que nos podemos ver subiendo la valija x algunos escalones. En general es buen hotel.

  • Ale Bani

    Ale Bani


    Camere grandi, pulite ed accoglienti. Caratteristiche di Amsterdam con architettura decisamente particolare. Si dorme comodamente ed i servizi sono perfetti. Il personale dell'Hotel è cordiale e disponibile. Unico difetto del nostro breve soggiorno è stato il check-in posticipato di 1h poiché le nostre due camere non erano ancora pronte (quando 3h prima ci avevano confermato l'orario poi non rispettato).

  • Julien Servant

    Julien Servant


    One of the receptionists was a bit cold, but others were friendly. The stay was enjoyable though the room was a bit dark and the furniture a bit out-dated considering all the money they can make (the hotel is fully booked every night and a bit costy). The location is both good and bad: good/ at the center of the city near to all tram connections and interesting spots to visit bad/ there is a lot of noise coming from the street. Perhaps they should consider investing in better windows. Finally, the breakfast is pretty good though the coffee tastes like water. But again there is a warm feeling. Big thanks to the other receptionists once again.

  • en

    Kat Rein


    Visited this hotel on the 23rd November for 2 nights. Brilliant location and the hotel staff were amazing! they gave us two direction sheets that they had created themselves which was brilliant. Also we booked some trips and the prices were so cheap compared to other tour shops. the hotel room itself was surprisingly spacious and the bed was the most comfortable I have ever had in a hotel. Outside was a bit noisy during the night as its located in the city center but nothing to actually interrupt our sleep or nothing we didn't except .would definitely recommend.

  • steven lodz

    steven lodz


    fajny hotel w super miejscu!

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