Hotel Estherea i Amsterdam

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HollandHotel Estherea



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303-309, Singel, 1012 WJ, Amsterdam, Amsterdam, NL Holland
kontakter telefon: +31 20 624 5146
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Latitude: 52.3705447, Longitude: 4.8886439

kommentar 5

  • umair ashraf

    umair ashraf


    Booked last minute and was very impressed. The hotel is a quick 10 minutes away from Anne Frank Huis and offered a great canal review. Hotel offers free coffee, tea, biscuits and water in a separate area 24 hours by the lobby which was very nice with the cold weather outside. Another great plus about the hotel was they provided a phone that you can take out into the city with you loaded with 4G internet speeds, Free phone minutes, Apps like City guides, Google maps and Chrome! A+

  • en

    Michael Abramowitz


    This was one of the best hotels we have ever stayed. The rooms weren't the biggest, but it was very romantic, very clean and the smell in the hotel was amazing. We spent two nights and wish we had more. The staff was extremely friendly and helpful and I would recommend this hotel to anyone visiting Amsterdam. Great location as well!

  • en

    Arno van Glabbeek


    This Hotel is just Gorgeous. The staff are fantastic,friendly and very helpful. The best breakfast we have had anywhere. I have stayed there two times now and will definitely be back..The central position on the canal is awesome. Our room was cozy and very well equipped. The room was alway spotless clean.

  • en

    Noam B.


    Very charming boutique style hotel. Lovely furnished lobby spaces. Nice and cozy room. Large and well-equipped bathroom. Free tea/coffee/water. Excellent WiFi reception. Pleasant and very welcoming staff. However, a bit squeaky floors.

  • ru

    גלינה אוחלוב


    Чистый отель. Приветливый персонал. Удобно расположенный, все достопримечательности города в несколькиз минутах ходьбы. Комнаты очень уютные. Хотя окна части комнат выходят во двор, нам это нисколько не помешало. Завтраки были платные, но вкусные. Остались очень довольны. Думаем, что если придется еще побывать в Амстердаме, остановимся в том же отеле

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