Hotel Dom i Utrecht

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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HollandHotel Dom


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4, Domstraat, 3512 JB, Utrecht, Utrecht, NL Netherlands
kontakter telefon: +31 30 232 4242
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Latitude: 52.0916478, Longitude: 5.1224791

kommentar 5

  • Tom Hewitson

    Tom Hewitson


    Lovely hotel with an amazing decor. Got a free upgrade on arrival. The room was amazing and had a bath next to the bed! The staff were super friendly and helpful. Breakfast was slow but they gave it to us for free to make up for that. If you go in summer try to get a room with air conditioning as ours was a bit on the warm side.

  • en

    vera chiu


    Love this little hotel very much. So comfortable with lovely design, and staff is very friendly. Also not to forget its central location

  • en

    Guido Graffione


    I stay here only for one night. The staffs was very helpful and kindness, position very good under the dom. Beautiful room, comfortable and full optional and at the end complete and delicious breakfast. I really suggest this hotel!

  • en

    Giovanni della Salute


    Exceptional hotel. Nice rooms, friendly and helpful staff, well located. A place to feel at home

  • Bryan Kum

    Bryan Kum


    Hotel is set in a great location, just by the domkerk, perfect for exploring the city. The room was very nice and clean. The bed was very comfortable as well. We really enjoyed our stay. However, the ringing bells from the nearby church has a tendency to disturb sleep so prepare earplugs! Our receptionist was also very helpful with our questions and extended our checkout by an hour for free which was very much appreciated!

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