Het Zwarte Fietsenplan Nieuwezijds Voorburgwal in Amsterdam

NederlandHet Zwarte Fietsenplan Nieuwezijds Voorburgwal



🕗 openingstijden

146, Nieuwezijds Voorburgwal, 1012 SJ, Amsterdam, Amsterdam, NL Netherlands
contacten telefoon: +31 85 273 5994
website: www.hetzwartefietsenplan.com
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 52.3748225, Longitude: 4.8913826

opmerkingen 5

  • Christian Vandendorpe

    Christian Vandendorpe


    Great service!

  • L' Austrasienne

    L' Austrasienne


    This store is a rip off! They tried to charge me 170€ for a new chain, a new front lamp and a part that supposedly had to be changed... I refused and brought my bike to 'Fietstop' on Rozengracht, the bike was fixed the same day for 55€!!

  • Marcel Beekman - Tenor

    Marcel Beekman - Tenor


    Excellent, fast and very professional service from technician Xandro who repaired my bike. Recommended!

  • boris p

    boris p


    The repair prices are competitive, but they are performed by trained bicycle mechanics wich adds to the value. The rental rates aren't the cheapest, but the quality of the bikes used make it well worth the money.

  • Adnan K

    Adnan K


    Bad customer service, highest repair costs in town. First of all the prices you get on the phone are the labor cost apparently, or some other cost that they make up.. So make sure to ask what the total price is including the parts and labor.. Otherwise you can get a surprise like I did, they said 45 for changing the chain on my bike and then when I was there the total price was 68. Quite a difference. Second: If you buy something there like a back wheel, make sure you take all the parts that come with it, because they will take the "gear wheel" off for you and keep it (because using the old gear wheel is better for the old chain they say), but the next time you need that same gear wheel replaced, they will charge you extra 5 euro's for it. You are really better off going to a smaller shop where they still might be a bit friendlier to the customer. Apparently I am not the only one feeling this way since their score is already at 2.5 and it seems like they do not care since they are not doing anything about it.

Fietsenwinkel in de buurt

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