Het Groene Paleis i Amsterdam

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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HollandHet Groene Paleis



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65, Rokin, 1012 KK, Amsterdam, Amsterdam, NL Netherlands
kontakter telefon: +31 20 820 3535
internet side: www.hetgroenepaleis.nl
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Latitude: 52.3710283, Longitude: 4.8932899

kommentar 5




    A great place to start the day with a cup of coffee and a cake. Great service, good cheese cake . Comfortable sofas and a nice view of the street

  • ella ella

    ella ella


    Great location on the way Rokin, nice open space to chill, drink a cocktail or eat. Amazing also inside and the guys bartender very friendly. They also make a good Aperol Spritz, recommend!

  • Tim Stamp

    Tim Stamp


    Great food. Nice atmosphere. Nicely made White Russian. 👍🥃 Unfortunately the toilets were in very poor condition, and I don't expect to be served a €25 main meal by someone wearing a t-shirt.

  • en

    Jelle Zethof


    A fun place to go for some food or drinks. I really liked the lounge area which is like the rest of the place, nicely decorated. I didn't try the food so I can't judge for that but they have a nice selection of drinks. The location is the best part. Great view over Rokin. So a good spot for people watching.

  • en

    Richard Jones


    Pretty new place. Big, Bustling and busy on the Sunday we went with 2 families with our kids and they managed it pretty well. We had coffee and cake and it was pretty good. Centrally located. And a good alternative to a lot of the bar cafes along the Rokin.

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