Domino’s pizza Amsterdam Overtoom in Amsterdam

NederlandDomino’s pizza Amsterdam Overtoom



🕗 openingstijden

71, Overtoom, 1054 HC, Amsterdam, Amsterdam, NL Netherlands
contacten telefoon: +31 20 412 2131
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 52.3627906, Longitude: 4.8761397

opmerkingen 5

  • Michael Hall

    Michael Hall


    Limited section of donuts

  • Macklen Mackey

    Macklen Mackey



  • David



    Typical shopping mall cafe.

  • Stephen Dunne

    Stephen Dunne


    5 stars for vegan options! Also had delicious coffee and very friendly staff.

  • Billy Petrakos

    Billy Petrakos


    Donuts are ok (they don't taste bad) but the service makes the whole shopping experience not very easy and welcoming. It's quite a new place and I assume the staff is relatively new as well. The person at the cashier was stressed out when it wasn't even busy and she asked me three times if I had ordered a café latte and if that 1 donut close to her was mine, which I found a bit too much as the order wasn't too complicated. She only had to transfer my coffee order to her colleague behind the coffee machine and she only had to inform me how much the whole order was and if I wanted to pay by cash or card. SIMPLE RIGHT?

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