Dierenkliniek Vondelpark in Amsterdam

Coronavirusziekte (COVID-19) Situatie

bevestigde gevallen




NederlandDierenkliniek Vondelpark



🕗 openingstijden

115HS, Johannes Verhulststraat, 1071 MZ, Amsterdam, Amsterdam, NL Holandia
contacten telefoon: +31 20 662 0101
website: www.dierenkliniekvondelpark.nl
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 52.354156, Longitude: 4.871256

opmerkingen 5

  • Floor van Rijn

    Floor van Rijn


    Lieve zorgzame kliniek. Zelfs een speciale knuffel stagiaire. Onze katten waren zelfs aan het knorren...

  • Anna Marie de Haan

    Anna Marie de Haan


    Great place with great veds! Always plan ahead and make appointments it may get busy on saturdays without appointment

  • garnet moore

    garnet moore


    Coming from a few other countries, I'm not sure if it is just this vet or all of Holland but this was the most thorough exam my dog has ever had.

  • Maria R

    Maria R


    Hardworking, capable & caring vets that know exactly how to treat/handle your pet. Friendly service. Place left a good impression on my fist visit here with my kitty, we plan on returning should the need arise.

  • Lee & Noel Reynolds

    Lee & Noel Reynolds


    I have used this clinic from 2012 to 2017 for my 2 beagles.Always experienced a friendly,kind and concerning sense from the vets as well as staff.Esther introduced me to manual cleaning my dogs teeth...without anesthetics.Performed every 3months was a great maintenance and cost saving technique that I had never heard from any other vet.Returning to Australia 90% was handled by Cindy and Esther,only the official side was handled by pet relocation service.I owe this clinic a huge THANK YOU for ensuring my dogs went through quarantine in the shortest amount of time.Buster and Bec will miss your loving natures and caring attitude.

Veterinaire zorg in de buurt

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