Centraal Station i Amsterdam

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HollandCentraal Station


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1012 AC Amsterdam, Niederlande
kontakter telefon: +31
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Latitude: 52.3768877, Longitude: 4.9001661

kommentar 5

  • JoCo



    Pretty much where every great Amsterdam City Centre visit starts. A truly beautiful building to behold from the outside; a strange mix of wonderful architecture and modern technology on the inside. From a functionality point of view, it works well enough although it can be confusing the first time you visit - especially if it’s busy. I look forward to my next visit :D

  • nl

    Gerbert van Beusekom


    Vanuit Amsterdam-Noord zeer makkelijk te bereiken en geen parkeergeld let wel op de Blauwe zone is in sommige delen ingevoerd

  • Raj Giri

    Raj Giri


    Beautiful historical train station of capital of The Netherlands, just step away from all the highlights of Amsterdam. Very clean and safe train station. Tip:If you want to explore North Amsterdam then just take free of charge ferry from backside of the central station.

  • Ruud Hein

    Ruud Hein


    Beautiful station, built in the 1880's. Undergoing construction inside and out since a couple of years but very accessible still. Inside has been redone beautifully. The passages under the station are nicely lit and features nice stores and convenience restaurants. Very clean. Very safe feeling. Panorama view at the Ij (in the back of the station) is gorgeous.

  • Andreas Stamm

    Andreas Stamm


    Sehr schöner Bahnhof mit Einkaufs Möglichkeiten.

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