Café Restaurant Nieges i Amsterdam

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HollandCafé Restaurant Nieges



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40H, Westerdoksdijk, 1013 AE, Amsterdam, Amsterdam, NL Netherlands
kontakter telefon: +31 20 215 9482
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Latitude: 52.3876597, Longitude: 4.8927203

kommentar 5

  • Linda De Bruijn

    Linda De Bruijn


    Nice location and friendly staff. The dishes were nice but I expected a little more. It’s not cheap so you expect good quality produce. The steak tartare wasn’t cut properly and me and my friend both ended up with large strings of meat. The flavour was nice but the execution of it not so much. Same with most dishes that the rest of the group had. Amazing flavours but sometimes it missed a bit of wow. My main was a tuna steak and was amazing though! Also we shared Caesar salads on the side. Again nice in flavour but the leaves were so big you couldn’t even share them. I would definitely go back though. But maybe with lower expectations and trying some different dishes

  • T Hamdi Hassan

    T Hamdi Hassan


    The view is nice. The meals are pretty small for the price you pay. The chrimp cocktail that cost 15 euros are 2 table spoons of Dutch chrimps with some cocktail sauce, servers forgot our drink order 2 times. I took like 20 minutes before we could flag a server and ask them for the menu(it wasn't busy at all). The food was sub-par, the service was meh. All around, meh.

  • Sharlene A.

    Sharlene A.


    It has a big terrace both with shade and without, our group had kaassouffle, bitterballen and croquettes as appetisers and there was a variety of "cold and hot dishes" to choose, ranging from mozzarella, steak tartar, cocktail shrimps to baked mushrooms, just the right portion for lunch. The staff were friendly and attentive. I would go back for a glass of wine in the evening, I think it's really nice it's by the river.

  • Anton Kolesnitskiy

    Anton Kolesnitskiy


    Nice restaurant in a great location. Our company of three people left satisfied and satisfied

  • Lucie Vottova

    Lucie Vottova


    I went with a larger group and we had a two-course menu; the food was great, but the overall "choreography" less so. Still, I like the interior design and vibe of the place, the staff was nice and friendly. Also, they have a photo booth.

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